
Showing posts from August, 2017


West Papua, Tuesday 15 August 2017. The signing of the New York Agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia over West New Guinea (West Papua) territorial dispute on August 15, 1962 was carried out without the involvement of any Papuan representative on the terms of the agreement relating to the survival of the Papuan people. This Agreement governs the future of the West Papua region consisting of 29 Articles governing 3 kinds of things, where chapters 14-21 regulate Self Determination based on international practice of one man one voice (One Man One Vote). And chapters 12 and 13 which govern the transfer of Administration from the UN Interim Government Agencies UNTEA to Indonesia. After the administrative transfer was made on May 1, 1963, Indonesia was given responsibility for preparing the implementation of fate and development in Papua did not run according to the agreement in the New York Treaty, Indonesia instead of conducting territorial conditioning through m...

AMPTPI:Criticize the Shooting of the Civilian People in West Papua

Manado, Tuesday 08/08/2017. "Revolution or Death" is the yell which is shouted by the Papuan Students and the people of North Sulawesi who are members of Student Solidarity / i, Youth and Society Care for Human Rights in order to address the shooting cases conducted by the Mobile Brigade Unit (BRIMOB) in the District Deiyai ​​Papua Province which has killed 7 people where 1 person died and 6 people were critically injured. Efer Lokobal said the problem in Papua has been a prolonged conflict since Papuan and Papuan soils have been mortgaged by international agreements that have never involved indigenous Papuans as the owners of their ancestral homeland. This issue of human rights has taken place from 1961 to 2017. Our 56-year-old indigenous Papuans live under the pressure and fear of intervention that has never looked upon us as human beings to live peacefully and peacefully on our land firmly Efer who is also the Field Coordinator in This action. Military intervention has s...